New Options for Extra Garbage Stickers

If you’ve produced a little extra waste due to the holidays, you can purchase Extra Garbage Stickers for $3 per bag or 80L can. For your convenience, stickers are now available for purchase at these participating retail locations:
- Lee’s Market (23320 Mavis Avenue, Fort Langley)
- IGA 2410 (2410 - 200 Street, Fernridge)
- FreshCO (27566 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove)
- IGA 88 Avenue (20159 - 88 Avenue, Walnut Grove)
Purchasing stickers from the Township
Extra Garbage stickers are also available for purchase from the Township, delivered to your home by mail. To order, call Township Customer Service at 604-534-3211. Please note, holiday-related facility closures (Friday, December 25 until Monday, January 4) will affect sticker purchases from Customer Service. For purchases during this period, please visit one of the retailers listed above.
Is your garbage really garbage?
For your garbage to be collected, the lid on your garbage cart must fully close. If you find your household produces extra garbage regularly, make sure everything in your garbage cart is actually garbage. You can cut down on household garbage by taking advantage of the Township’s unlimited curbside recycling and Green Cart programs, as well as free provincial take back programs.
If you find you need more than an occasional Extra Garbage sticker, property owners can request a change to the size and number of their carts. Increasing cart capacity or the number of carts on your property will incur an administration fee plus additional annual fees on your tax notice.
For more information on Extra Garbage stickers, visit, and on what to do with too much garbage at Tips for Overflowing Garbage.
Engineering Division