Public Invited to Get Involved with Willowbrook Community Plan Update

Work is starting on an update to the Willowbrook Community Plan, and the Township of Langley is inviting the community to get involved. You can find out more about the planning process and complete an online survey at The survey is a chance to share what you think a transit-oriented Willowbrook should be like in the future, and to help identify opportunities that may be created by the Surrey Langley SkyTrain extension.
“We want to hear from people who live, work, play, and do business in the Willowbrook community,” said Jason Chu, Manager, Community and Policy Planning at the Township of Langley. “Plan updates will help shape Willowbrook over the next 20 years, looking towards a sustainable, transit-oriented community with the planned arrival of SkyTrain.”
The Township of Langley is also looking for people to join the Willowbrook Community Planning Team (WCPT). The Team will provide advice and guidance throughout the planning process for the Willowbrook Community Plan Update. Volunteers will work with Township staff in a conversational, round-table format to offer feedback, review materials, and report back to the community and other organizations on progress and key discussions.
Applications for the 11-member WCPT are now being accepted from interested residents and business owners at The deadline for applications is 3:30pm on Friday, July 8. Made up of a broad-based team of community members, the WCPT will include Township residents and business owners, and representatives from the development industry. The Township encourages membership from as diverse a group of participants as possible including Coast Salish peoples, youth, seniors, and visible minorities.
Terms of Reference for the Willowbrook Community Planning Team were approved by Council on June 13, 2022. On November 22, 2021, Council approved a scope and process for the Willowbrook Community Plan Update. The revised Plan is scheduled to be completed by Spring 2024. Goals and objectives for the Community Plan Update include:
- A sustainable transit-oriented community that is more pedestrian and cycle-friendly, and can significantly influence travel patterns through more walking, cycling, and transit trips
- Defining a future built form and landscape character, place making elements, and sustainable community design that serves local needs and creates an attractive destination
- Identification of community amenities to support a future land use and development vision along with policy recommendations for securing community amenity contributions through a land value capture system
- Comprehensive public engagement that effectively communicates and involves property owners, local community stakeholders, external agencies, and the broader public in the planning process.
- Financial plan for the provision and maintenance of infrastructure services
Map above of Willowbrook with walking distances from the proposed Surrey Langley SkyTrain extension station.