Township Seeks Applications For Tree Protection Advisory Committee

A team of volunteers that will provide advice and guidance for the protection, preservation, and planting of trees in the Township of Langley is being established, and applications are now being accepted from interested residents and business owners.
The nine-member Tree Protection Advisory Committee (TPAC) will be tasked with reviewing Tree Protection Bylaw 2019 No. 5478 and helping to prepare a Community Forest Management Strategy for the municipality.
Made up of a broad-based team of community members, the TPAC will include Township residents and business owners, as well as those with expertise or experience in areas such as arboriculture, forestry, green infrastructure systems, climate action (adaptation and mitigation), and ecosystem planning.
The TPAC will assist and work with Township staff in a conversational, “round-table” format to offer feedback, review materials, and report back to the community and other organizations on progress and key discussions.
To apply to serve on the TPAC, or for more details, visit The deadline for applications is 3:30pm on Friday, August 21.
The TPAC is one of the opportunities for public engagement that will be held for the Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw review and Community Forest Management Strategy planning process. The public is encouraged to visit for regular updates and frequently asked questions, and can sign up to receive email notifications at key points throughout the project.
Tree Protection Bylaw 2019 No.5478, which sets limits on the size and number of trees residents can remove, was adopted by Township Council on July 8, 2019. Staff were directed to review the Tree Protection Bylaw for effectiveness and undertake a Tree Canopy Protection Standard for the entire Township. The Tree Canopy Protection Standard is the first step of a Community Forest Management Strategy.
Terms of Reference for the Tree Protection Advisory Committee were approved by Council on June 15 of this year.
For more information, email or call 604-533-6152.
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