Township Seeks Volunteers for Social Issues Task Force

Would you like to make a difference where you live and help create the best possible quality of life for current and future residents? If so, you are encouraged to express your interest in serving on the Township of Langley’s new Social Sustainability Task Force.
“This is an opportunity to have a say on issues such as housing, public safety, health and wellness, food security, and poverty reduction,” said Patrick Ward, the Township’s Strategic/Social Planner. “Social issues impact all of us and we need to work together to address them.”
On November 6, Township Council approved the preparation of a Social Sustainability Strategy that will help guide the Township’s actions on social issues over the next decade. The Task Force will help prepare the Strategy by working alongside Township staff in generating ideas and providing feedback at key points throughout the process.
As a municipality, the Township can play a key role in improving the quality of life of its residents. However, its jurisdiction and funding for the delivery of social services are limited. To help address important social issues, the Township must work in collaboration with community organizations and other levels of government, and requires assistance from the public.
Once completed, the Social Sustainability Strategy will identify the Township’s goals and priorities regarding social issues, provide strategies and actions to work towards those goals, and clarify the Township’s roles and responsibilities when it comes to social issues.
As the Social Sustainability Strategy is prepared over the next two years, there will be many opportunities for residents and stakeholders to provide input and feedback, including through the Task Force. Those interested in participating on the Social Sustainability Task Force are encouraged to complete and submit an Expression of Interest Form by Sunday, February 4.
The Social Sustainability Task Force is intended to represent a broad range of interests and include members who have experience or expertise in the various social issues being explored as part of the Strategy. These include children, youth, and family issues, seniors issues, housing, economic security, substance abuse, community engagement and social interaction, accessibility, diversity, and inclusion, as well as lifelong learning and arts, culture, and entertainment.
The Task Force can be made up of Township residents and representatives of local First Nations, non-profit and community groups, business organizations, and government agencies. Local students who are at least 16 years of age are also encouraged to apply.
Task Force members should be available to attend about five meetings on weekday evenings between March 2018 and December 2019, as the Strategy is prepared.
To learn more about the Social Sustainability Strategy and sign up for email notifications about other opportunities to get involved, visit
For more information, contact Patrick Ward, Township of Langley Strategic/Social Planner, at 604-533-6140 or